About me

On 24 January 1983, I was born in a Dalit family in the Mewat region of Haryana, India. Later, we moved and settled in Delhi. After living in Pondicherry, Hyderabad, Pune, and Wardha, now I’m again living in Delhi NCR.

I finished my secondary education from KMS, higher secondary education from AES, and graduated from JNU as well as IGNOU.

🥇 I am a MBA gold medalist from the Pondicherry University. One of my MBA professors, Dr Babu George, inspired me to realize the importance of own thoughts which eventually triggered my interest in research and teaching.

My doctoral thesis Handmade OK please: A Mixed Methods Study of Urban Indian Craft Consumers was supervised by Prof. Dr. B. Rajashekhar, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, India. During my PhD, I was awarded DAAD student exchange fellowship for visiting and two months research stay at the ✈️ University of Wurzburg, Germany.

For three years, I worked as an Assistant Professor in Pune. In 2022, for eight months I worked as the Head of School of Data Science & Information at the Nalanda Academy, Wardha.

In 2023, I founded ❤️ Sara Institute of Data Science. I teach data science and research using R statistical language. Kindly check the website of my course R for Beginners. My dream is take data science education to under-represented students in India. As a data science teacher:

  • I don’t believe in memorizing the codes,
  • I think education and health-care should be free and fundamental rights of every citizen, and
  • I crack pathetic jokes during the teaching sessions. 🤪

My research interests include sustainable production and consumption in context of discard studies. My recent research publication is:

  • Koli, A.K. (2021), “Handmade OK please: key criteria for purchasing craft items by Indian consumers”, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCHMSD-04-2020-0063

Thank you for visiting!


Ajay Koli

Data Science Educator